Discipline doesn't equal freedom

You heard that "discipline equals freedom."

I, too, like this saying.
There's power in it. It makes us feel in control. And overall, it rings true.

But is it true, really?
Not totally; it's easy to exert discipline on the wrong things.

You can repeatedly work out with the wrong form and heart yourself.
You can force yourself to work on the wrong thing.
You can push hard and make sacrifices, chasing the wrong dream.

Unguided discipline can quickly become an impediment. It robs you of your time and energy. It enslaves you and leads you to suffer for the wrong causes or the wrong goals.

In my book, that's the opposite of freedom.

Discipline must always be guided and used as a tool. It must remain under the aegis of reason.

Be disciplined, but never allow your critical thinking to go offline.